Saturday, April 22, 2006

Maryland Day 3

The cell phone woke me up at 10:30, but it was on the other side of the room. Soon after that, I heard Jason's alarm again. I think he hit snooze six to seven times. I tried to lay back down, but just decided to get up. I had two pages left in Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis, so I finished it. Amazing book - I know I'm way behind the crowd on this one, but that book has challenged me so much. And though I've finished the book, I think it will keep causing me to rethink my perspective on Christ and the life of faith.

Threw some clothes in the wash, called Krist, went for a walk. Came back in and ate a sandwhich with the boys. Afterwards, me, Romack and Forrest went for a walk with the dog. We met Jason's neighbor who quite possibly use the F-bomb 43 times within twelve minutes. Nice guy, though.

Came back in the house for the afternoon - played on the computer and tried to illegally download the Silvertide record. It didn't happen. Mr. Belmont-Forrest Layton got on his soapbox about how wrong it is to burn CD's. I told him to stick it.

PS - Romack fell down Jason's stairs. Not fun.

We started getting ready and Jason showed up at 5 to pick us up. We went to the church.

The set was amazing - I can honestly say that I've never seen kids that worship like this. It was like this immediate attitude of pure joy and celebration. The set went good and the speaker was excellent.

We added the chorus of Crowder's "Come Awake" to our prayer time at the close of the service. It's originally in F#, but we bumped it to G to roll back and forth to "Part of Your Story." "Come Awake" was perfect for the service and was consistent with scripture that had been used in today's home sessions.

After the gig, we went to Red Robin - a gourmet burger place where I consumed a wonderfully tasty milkshake and a bacon cheeseburger.

Came home at worked on the Sunday night set, crashed soon after.


Todd Wright said...

I've been thinking a lot about "illegally sharing" lately and I plan on posting something more detailed soon.