Sunday, November 20, 2005

I feel relatively sure that the majority of you are involved either directly or indirectly in the ministry of worship.
Some of you make music, some you oversee technologies, some of you greet, etc. But the fact remains that many, many, many of you involve yourself in some aspect of worship leadership.

So here’s a worship question for you all. (Bear in mind that I speak in generalities here. This isn’t necessarily a “music” question, but rather a general call for overall opinions on the discipline of worship.)

What constitutes good worship?

Does something need to occur in a given service for us to leave saying, “WOW! THAT WAS AMAZING!”

I understand that many of us are handicapped to some extent because we’re not out there in the crowd, assessing the worship. But if worship leaders don’t ask the question of themselves, we are kidding ourselves. We should be thinking, talking, dreaming, complaining and asking worship at every opportunity.
So…what makes worship GOOD?


Robert Conn said...

I think I have one answer. However, it is a different answer than I would have had say 3 years ago. I also think that it is not a very popular answer... so I'll sit on it for a while to see if I really know what I'm talking about.

Romack said...

I agree alot with Shelly. I think that comfortability is definately a key component in folks being "blown away" by worship. I think it's important to come into a time of worship with more than just the expectation of getting something out of it too! If you're heart is not in the right place, then you cannot expect a "WOW" connection with God. Does that make sense?