Friday, September 19, 2008

Skribit Friday...

Skribit Friday is a weekly feature where I write about the topics suggested or questions asked in the Skribit feature on the right sidebar of the blog. If you have something you'd like me to write about, type it it! (And watch me prove how foolish I really am.)


That's a hard one to tackle, Kandice, primarily because we're so new to the area. Being unfamiliar with the landscape of dining options around us, we're at a disadvantage currently. But so far, here's what we've found that we really enjoy...

1. Bruno's Pizza. can pizza be this good? I love it. Love. It. Not nuts about the establishment itself. I don't know if I'd enjoy sitting inside to eat it, but take-out is just fine with me. (I'm also excited that a 2nd location is being built much closer to my house. Although, friends are warning me about second locations...they tend to struggle with 'new oven' difficulties.)

2. On The Border. We're big fans...especially when we can eat out on the patio. Those quesadillas with the carmalized peppers are pretty amazing.

3. Braum's. I've already eaten WAY too much Braum's. WAY too much. I'd tell you how much except it's WAY too much.

I'm also pretty fond of Buffalo Wild Wings, Mercado's, and Clear Springs. There are a couple of small burger joints around that we want to try out, but I can't really review them, yet!


Obviously, the answer is "acoustic guitar solos."

I'm kidding.

There are two categories of "favorites," in my opinion - first, those consistent things you look forward to, and second, the surprising things that happen when we get to get together to worship God.

As far as consistency goes, my favorite part of worship has to be hearing God's Word. Certainly, that's a huge part of what happens when we gather, but I'm speaking about scripture within the singing/praying part of worship. I love it when a worship leader reads scripture as he's leading (or quotes it, if he's that good. Which I am not...) And I love reading it, too. Sometimes, I read it just because it deserves to be proclaimed. And other times, I read it because it's the foundation of what we're singing about/focusing on. That's what I love to see happen in worship.

Regarding the other kind of favorite, I like it when something unplanned happens. I like it when the Lord prompts an unplanned song or the congregation keeps singing after a tune is over or a prayer connects with the congregation in a way that shocks worship into something new and alive. Worship is not about surprise...and I don't think it should or could survive on those sorts of moments, but they do happen. Moments where we cease being programmed, planned and rehearsed and simply respond out of our passion and gratitude...I LOVE IT!

Sigh. This question again?

As we all know, "hotness" is pretty important. Especially if you plan on transitioning from humble-local-church-worship-pastor to gigantic-global-Christian-music-superstar.

I do put a significant amount of time into my looks. Here's a breakdown.

1. I workout. A lot. Yesterday I did ankles.

2. I try to take a lot of naps. I feel that gives me the energy I need for the more grueling aspects of my day (blogging, playing GameCube, reading comic books.)

3. I try to maintain a healthy diet of Blue Bell Ice Cream. ("Dutch Chocolate" really seems to work best for my body type, but" Cookies-n-Cream" or "Moo Tracks" work, too.) While I feel that Braum's regular chocolate ice cream is better than Blue Bell, it's hard to keep Braum's in the house since I'm usually done with my double-dip cone before I hit the next red light.


Great suggestion...I don't know that Flint has a "downtown." We have a four-way stop. Is that the same thing? I like where we live...close to the church, nice neighborhood, great area. As for downtown, I really like Bullard's little downtown area. They've got a great park, some cool eating spots, and a coffee shop I really would like to try out. As soon as I start drinking coffee.

I'm also in love with Greshem, which is right up the road. There's this great restaurant/hangout that has a VW sticking out of a wall. Gotta' check that out for sure. Plus, they're building a Bruno's there.

Wow! That was great set of suggestions. Keep 'em coming! I'll never run out of ideas, now...


Caroline said...

My husband is sending in a suggestion for Fred's Hot Links!!!!

Now a disclaimer..we have not lived in Tyler for 6 there is a chance that some of the above mentioned establishments have gone down hill since then..