Monday, August 11, 2008

Skribit Week (#1)

An recurring theme among the Skribit suggestions seemed to be something like "why-are-you-addicted-to blogging?"

It's a great question...and one I get asked a lot, believe it or not.

Yeah, I love blogs...and here's why!

1. Other than my wife and a few others, I rarely see any of the people who manage the blogs I love so much. Folks like Artie, Romack, Clay, and the Cragers even live close to me and I hardly ever see them at all! And others like the Burch, Fullen, Conn, King and Simmons families live far away from me. For me, reading blogs is a great way for me to keep up with their lives - what they're doing, liking, thinking, etc. I count these folks as my friends and it makes me so happy when they blog about their lives.

2. As to why I love writing those blogs so much, what can I say? These thoughts are in my head and I've got to get them out! When I see or hear something that I think my friends would enjoy and I have to share it.

3. I learn a lot about my friends from the way they blog...things they think are funny or interesting. It's like an inside peek into their heads...what they "produce" when they have ultimate creative control.

Call it a sickness, if you want, but I love it! And I'm so thankful for those of you who come here often!


Sharon's Journey said...

The Lufkin Panthers might even be more famous than Todd Wright! Of course you are in-famous, which means "more than famous" right?

Artie said...

I'm not near as ... how shall we say... prolific as you are at blogging Todd but Sam and you both kinda got me off ground zero on this thing. I have to say that I really feel it has help me to plug in to a community of friends that normally due to work and geography I would not be able to have much of a relationship with. Heck, Todd tried for months to get me to go to lunch with other worship leaders in the area and FedEx always seemed to get in the way. There are so many days that I don't even get to lunch until 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Anyway... I feel the same way Todd does about the blogging and the ability to maintain community with people I don't get to see.

Twitter has enhanced this so much. What a great easy way to just keep people posted on what's up with YOU. I'm not near as good as posting that info rolling around in my head as Todd is but it is a great outlet for those things that stick..

I've also been able to extend a network of relationships beyond my own friends through their blogs.

It would be great if more of my family...blood and church..blogged or twittered.

Gotta go.. conference call yelling in my ear is distracting me...afraid this won't be too coherent.

Todd Wright said...

Don't worry, Artie.

Coherence is overrated.