Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Update On Kristen...

For those of you who don't know, Kristen is in the hospital.

(And yes, it's very lame that I found a jpeg of the hospital to use in this post. There's something wrong with me, I know...)

A couple of days ago, Krist started having some pretty intense stomach pain and nausea. She went to the doctor on Monday, got some medicine and came on home. Monday night, she got even more sick.

Tuesday, I had to go check out a camp for a gig next week, so Kristen and the kids went to her Mom's house. I got back about 2pm and went to pick them up. We decided to let Kristen stay at her mom's while I took care of the kids. I brought the kids home and hung out for awhile.

Around 3:45pm, Kristen's mom called and told me that they were at the emergency room. Kristen couldn't really get into the doctor's office and our "urgent care clinics" aren't necessarily the sharpest places for medical care. Since her phone wouldn't work very well, Kristen's mom would call me every hour or so to let me know what was up.

Eventually, the got into a room. More waiting. Finally, a doctor came back and started doing some bloodwork, xrays, etc. They gave her something for pain and send off the tests.

Around 8, Kristen's cousin, Stephanie, called me and said, "You need to come up here. She's freaking out"

Apparently, a doctors came back and told Kristen that she had hepatitus and pancreatitus. Kristen's mom and cousin tried to get more info, but the doctor wasn't much help. They really should have classes in "tact" or "bedside manner" in medical school. If they already do, they need some new curriculum. Not digging that doctor.

I get there, Krist is pretty upset. Mom and Cousin don't really know what's going on and the doctor is admitting Kristen to a room. We get to the room, get settled in. Krist is still in tons of pain and feeling really sick.

The ER doc did have the foresight to call in a gastro. specialist, who happens to be very good. After Krist in in bed and all hooked up, the nurse calls the specialist to see about changing up the meds to something that Krist can get more often.

The new doctor looks over the stuff and immediately orders different pain medicine and more bloodwork. After about an hour of being really stressed out, we find out that it isn't hepatitus. Kristen spent most of the night pretty miserable, although the pain medicine made a big difference.

We had lots of family show up, my mom watched the kids and by 11:30 or so, Krist and I went to sleep.

It was a hard night. But then again, most nights in the hospital always are. Kristen was sick some more, her blood pressure got pretty high, and at one point, a dude came in and strapped a heart monitor on her.

I woke up about 7, scared I had missed early rounds, but the specialist came in around 7:40. Turns out that Kristen has gallstones which caused the pancreatitus. As it stands, the procedure is to treat the pancreas first - to get the inflammation cleared up before proceding with gallstone surgery. The doctor thinks one stone might have dropped into Kristen's bile duct, which means a more invasive surgery (rather than a quicker laproscopic one...)

I'm at home now with the kids. Kristen's parents are with her at the hospital.

Pray that God will bring healing to the pancreas so that Kristen's nausea will subside and we can proceed with the gallstone surgery. Pray for her blood pressure and stress and our family as we try to figure out how to survive without Mommy!


Jeff said...

I am no doctor, but I wanted to write you last night and tell you to suggest to the doctors it was PANCREATITIS. Andreia had the same thing happen about 5 years ago in Dallas. It was scary but it was cleared up very quickly. I hope she is doing well.

Robert Conn said...

That's good news. Still hard... but good.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...


All of us at Solid Rock Family Church will be in prayer for Kristin and you and the kids. Hang in there and know that we love you,


Anonymous said...

Kristen, you, Jonah & Finley are in our thoughts & prayers. Praise God, this is a fixable problem!


Artie said...

Praying for peace..and that the joy of the Lord give you and your family strength in all you encounter.

p-melt said...

We are praying for you guys!