This "prop" goes out to Justin Romack. Justin is more than my go-to drummer. He's my tech support, my worship-discussion buddy, my link to all things cool and young, and my good friend.
1. Justin owns on the drums. He's fantastic. I'm no rock star, but I've played with lots of drummers in my life. Some of them have been great and some of them have not. Justin brings more than just excellence to the drums...he also brings the rare gift of being able to predict where a song is going. Playing "worship" drums is way different than just rocking with a typically requires you to play more simply and to work without concrete arrangements for songs. Justin knows this and thrives in it.
2. Justin has a great sense of humor. Back when he was younger, he would use his wit to insult people. (What teenager didn't?) Now, he uses his wit to make really smart jokes...usually in some fake (but believable) voice.
3. Justin is a good husband. I don't think I've ever come across two people so destined to be together as Justin and Angela. Their story is like one of those romantic-comedies that looks totally predictable and then ends up surprising your socks off. Since Justin and Angela were married, I've seen him become a great husband.
4. Justin is an overcomer. I am amazed at Justin's attitude. When Justin shows up to play drums (his passion,) I never know what I'm goingto get. I never know if Justin's vision is going to be really good or if he's going to be playing in absolute darkness. And you know what? It never seems to matter. He gets behind that kit I swear to you, it's always spot-on. Always. The guy doesn't blow it. He nails his parts whether he can see his kit or not. I don't know how he does it...but I respect the heck out of him for his ability to deliver every single time.
5. Justin loves God. Sometimes I look at my life and realize that my faith isn't changing me. I see that following Jesus has somehow turned into just-being-moral instead of consistently shaping me to be more like the Lord. But not Justin - I see his faith changing him, molding him and growing him every day. And I respect him so much for that.
______________________________________So, here's to you, Romack! I'm glad to call you my friend!
As an added feature of the "props," I'm asking folks who know Justin to chime in down in the comment box. If you know him and want to honor him with your own "props," feel free to do so.
(And please don't use this to make lame jokes about Justin. It will just make you look really desperate for laughs.)
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Posted by Todd Wright at 10:00 AM
Labels: justin romack, props
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I have not had the chance of knowing Justin as much as I would have liked. Most of the time I see him is during some event and usually lasting only a couple of days. But during those times I can say he is one of the most honest, humble, and fun-loving respectable guys I know. I'm glad to call Justin a friend... even if it is only a short-term basis, I'll take it!
Hear, hear! Cheers to Justin!
I don't know what I can say without sounding completely cheesy here...Justin IS a great husband and I love him so much for putting up with my craziness. He is an awesome man of God and leader of this household. He makes me laugh every-single-day and I love it! Kudos to Justin!!
I'm pretty sure I was leading worship in the gym with Chris and the rest the first time Justin played drums in "church". He was young and energetic and loved beating on the symbols. I'm so impressed with he young man he has become and the I just hope that he will eventually...some day... allow me to play with him. We've been working on that for about 2 years now LOL... Anyway. I love Angela and Justin and I'm so happy for them both. Great kids! (I can say that since I'm 48).
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