Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What Is Cool...

I remember seeing an old interview with Corey Feldman once. It was at the apex of Feldman's fame...he was perched at the very "top," and was about to devote more of his time to his music.

I distinctly remembering him being very proud of writing a song called "What Is Cool?" He thought it was going to be some broad-sweeping statement about culture and trend.

I don't ever remember that song becoming a hit. But I could be wrong.'s the deal.


I'd like to be, and at random times I might sort of accidentally acheive for four or five minutes worth, but my Inner Loser quickly arrives and let's everybody know: THIS GUY ISN'T COOL.

So...I'm enlisting your help. Lately, I've come across situations where I've been around people who seemed to be trying very hard to be cool. However, in most of those situations, I found what they were doing to be very awkward and upsetting. So, I thought I'd maybe mention a few of these experiences and see what all of you think.

Perhaps you just want to respond with "Cool" or "Not Cool." Maybe you want to elaborate your position. Either way is fine with me. All I'm asking is that you help as I echo the immortal words of the great poet, Feldman...

What Is Cool?

Cool or Not Cool: You Decide

1. High Fives - Are these making a come back? And does if someone actually says "High five!" as they do it, does that help things or harm things?

2. Old Catch Phrases - I'm still hearing stuff like "Wasuuuup?" and "Don't Tase Me Bro." That's not cool, right?

3. Repeating A Zinger - Lately, I've been around a couple of folks who tend to repeat a punch line if they felt like the group didn't hear them. Ouch.

4. Telling People You're Really Good At Something - This seems all kinds of wrong. If you really are good at a thing, does it deserve to be shared?


Robert Conn said...

What about the apparel?

1) Trendy Mailman bag
2) Trendy little army hat worn at 65 degrees rotation
3) Trendy women's pants worn on male body with trendy little bandanna somewhere else on said body.
4) Trendy little wheels in your shoes that make you walk funny when you can't skate
5) Want More?

oldfart said...

1. High Fives are weird in my opinion. I think it has been replaced with a "fist bump" or even better yet a jumping "chest bump."
2. I still say "Wasuuuup" to one friend on the phone. So probably not...
3. I usually can't make it to the punch line so no worries for me...
4. I'm only good at sarcasm and it needs to be shared often. :)

I think those folks who are just "Real" and hide behind NO mask are "Cool".

Johnny! said...

Allow me to demonstrate my lack of cool in an informative way.

The whole concept of "cool" is the invention of Rousseau and all those jerks. The entire concept is pagan to the core.

That said, the "high five" is cool when invoking David Puddy.

Todd Wright said...

10,000 points to anybody who can identify the David Puddy reference.

Nice one, Johnny. (Spoken a la David Puddy.)

Johnny! said...

Koko...that chimp's all right! High five.

DWC said...

1. High Fives - on the field COOL ... just to greet a buddy NOT COOL ...

2. Old Catch Phrases - NOT COOL

3. Repeating A Zinger - WAY NOT COOL

4. Telling People You're Really Good At Something - NOT COOL ... if you are good at something it will be apparent ... words not needed, right ?


Lance said...

man... i do all the non-cool stuff...

and i won coolest guy.

must have been a bad grouping.

chrismaroon said...

Puddy was Elaine's boyfriend on SEINFELD!

This is the important stuff that occupies serious space in my brain.

Do immigrants have ponies?

Rachel said...

I have to say that I'm a fan of the high five, however, I believe that statement proves how uncool the high five probably is.

Rachel said...

One thing that IS really cool is "The Cheese Stands Alone" joke. I love it!!!!!

Todd Wright said...

Oh, Rachel...

Still digging that, eh?

Artie said...

Cool? I used to want to be cool.. back when I had hair and I wanted it to look good and wear the right shades, driving my blue 65 mustang...doing the things others were doing that I thought was impressive.. and yet I felt I always fell short.

Now that I'm a fat, baldheaded, white bearded, 48 year old dude..I really don't care. I fist bump with friends because they approach me with that.. I hi five little kids because I love little kids, I use sayings that I'm sure are so old that they must be back in style but I have no awareness of any of that which is cool.

In fact my main goal in life outside of living and doing all things for Christ is to embarrass my kids. It is so much fun to jack with your own teenage children's social status that I could care less as to what cool is.

That my friends.... I think... makes me cool!! LOL I have no desire to BE therefore I AM.