Sunday, May 25, 2008

Movie Review (For those who care what I think...HI MOM!)

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Kristen and I got the chance to go check out the new Indiana Jones movie on Friday night.

I was nervous...most of the reviews so far have been down on the film, and I really really really hate paying money to see a bad movie.

Let me just say that I loved the movie. It had some problems, but it was great in so many ways that I did not regret the hundreds of dollars I spent to see it.

The thing I think so many people are missing in this movie is the skill of creating images. Think about it - the Indiana Jones franchise was always been pretty outlandish. The Ark of the Covenant melting people into nothing? A secret palace of idol worship underneath a beautiful palace owned by the government? The Holy Grail being guarded for thousands of years by a guy who's still kickin' when Indy shows up?

So, when I read reviewers or hear my friends talk about how goofy this one is, I think they are forgetting...they're all goofy.

But who can forget the images? The giant boulder? What about that pit of snakes in the first one? Or the dude burning the medallion into his palm? Or the monkey eating the poison date? Second film - eating all sorts of weird creatures, a dude getting his heart ripped out and that amazing mine chase. And the third film? Oh man...all the tests that Indy faces to get to the grail?

These movies have created unforgettable images. And The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull does, too. I was worried it would be too much story and not enough action, but I was wrong. And there are definitely some sequences that audiences will not forget for a long, long time.

And the movie does surprise...some may not like the ending, but it certainly one you won't see coming.

I also loved how many laugh-out loud moments there are in this new installment. Indy is just as grouchy as ever but he's backed a really amazing cast of actors.

I do think the climax of the film was overdone. At one point, I was definitely feeling "Okay, okay. I got it! Move on!"

Despite a few problems, the movie is an absolute blast. So go ahead...hire a sitter, buy the large popcorn and sit down to watch a pretty amazing continuation to historic film series.

(If you seen it and want to share your thoughts, please do! No spoilers allowed.)


Robert Conn said...

It had more pros than cons for sure.

Artie said...

I loved the movie too. I was amazed to see Harrison Ford doing some of the stunts that he was doing. I mean you could see it was him hanging off that motorcycle. Cool stuff. I loved the nod to the first movie in the warehouse chase.

Some things seemed strained and awkward at the beginning for some reason but it got better. As Robert said more pros. I'll probably go see it again..just like I did the first and the 3rd. (The 2nd was not a fav for me).

p-melt said...

I enjoyed it. I agree that it went a little over the top and the ending was not expected, but it was well worth the cost of admission.

Todd Wright said...

Phillip, I think it's hilarious that your name is P-Melt.

It makes me hungry.