Sunday, January 27, 2008

Let's face it - there's a lot of music out there.

And most of us are listening to a random assortment of it.

So, here's the game we're gonna' play.


This is your chance to spread the word about that little or lesser-known band or artist that none of us know about. This is your chance to prove your music cool by letting us all cash in on YOUR indie cred.

C'mon...who you diggin'?


Romack said...

Ummm...I just got a hold of the new Natasha Beddingfield.

I am useless here.

Lance said...

jake long

Amy said...

Ryan Long

Anonymous said...

umm, where to start...lydia's address, this beautiful mess, schaeffer, the glorious unseen...

Todd Wright said...

I just read about the Glorious Unseen...what are they like, John?

Jeff said...

Tyrone Wells...been listening to him for awhile but I thought I would share him with you. Not "cool" indie, just a singer songwriter. I LOVE him.

Jinx said...

To be completely honest, I don't know what is considered "indie", or if any of these are "indie"....but I just know not many people listen to them when I mention them or have it playing on the iPod. These make regular appearances on my iPod.

Travis, Aqualung, Sufjan Stevens, The Shins, Wilco, Interpol, LCD Soundsystem, The National, Pedro The Lion, Remy Zero....that's what comes to mind at the moment

Todd Wright said...

Whoa, Jinx...somebody is so more-trendy-than-thou these days.

Man, I just can't get into Sufjan. I realize that college kids would think I'm cool if I listened to him, but he's just a little too weird for me.

Romack said...

I can't say this with certainty (and actually don't fully remember the situation) BUT, I think I saw
Sufjan pouring something that represented (or was) blood on his face on "Austin City Limits". I was somewhat creeped out.

LCD Soundsytem is pretty good. I am digging Angels and Airwaves, as well.

Here's my question: Is "indie" a style or a label for "independent"? It seems that artists that we are calling "indie" artists all have a similar sound, but span several different genres. I know that Angels and Airwaves are labeled as Alternative/Pop/Indie. So what does tat supposed to mean?

Anonymous said...

I just acquired the Glorious unseen's album...they started as a group of Nashville youth pastors...musically they are more low-key and thoughtful I suppose than an average worship band. I enjoy what I've heard so far.

Romack said...

By the way, I did some research - the badn that I saw do the whole "blood on the face" thing was the Flaming Lips....and I do NOT like their music.

Jinx said...

I never considered myself or though I was trendy...I just enjoy cool, random stuff....sorry for any inconvenience. And I don't think kids would think you're cool for listening to'd thank yourself though.

Angels and Airwaves are the farthest from "indie" possible....ex-Blink 182 can't possibly be "indie".

Romack said...

No, I wasn't saying that they were indie...however, Tom Delonge is sure touting himself as an indie artist - even though, like you said (ex-Blink emember), pop punk put him in the industry.

My point was...indie is popular now - whatever the heck indie is supposed to mean. Indie is not an original idea anymore. Angels and Airwaves is a perfect example of that...they, or whomever, labels them as indie...and look its nothing more than pop music.

I wanted to get someone to explain to me what defines an indie song...

Jinx said...

I seriously don't think anyone can really say what true indie stuff would be these days...because too many people claim they are just to be trendy. Especially people like Delonge, when there's no practical way he could be truly "indie" in the original form...independent. Indie to me are the guys who don't have any label support, are out there on the road on their own dime, making most of their money from merch sales at each show, etc., etc. Fo shizzle, I've been's the life.

Go confuse yourself on wikipedia with this...