Thursday, January 01, 2009


When Kristen was pregnant with Jonah, I remember a mentor of mine pulling me aside and saying,
"Cherish every moment, Todd."

I took his words to heart. I've tried to cherish this little guy...even in those times when I haven't felt like it.
Jonah turns seven today. I know it probably sounds silly to lots of people, but I will say it nonetheless:
The time has flown by.

This little boy has changed my life in more ways that I ever imagined.

Every day, I am amazed at what God's built into his little mind and soul.
Every day, I am perplexed as to how to raise him in a way that pleases God.
Every day, I am heartbroken to know that, in addition to new opportunities and wonders, the new year also brings new challenges, new hurts and new tears.

I don't know what God has planned for Jonah, but I know He has a plan.
He sees and knows this little one, my firstborn.
He knows what awaits my Jonah.
And I pray that I'll be smart enough and quiet enough to let the Father speak into me the things I need to love and raise my son right.

Jonah, words aren't enough. But here are a few that come to my mind when I think about you, buddy.

You can make me laugh, when all others fail
My shadows no match for your smile
Your voice, the sweetest, purest thing
Better and stronger than mine

Your mind moves faster than I could guess
Your heart beats so fast and so loud
You laugh, you cry, it's all the same
Same within, without

I thought I would teach you, and maybe I have
But it's reversed more often I feel
To have you, to love you, to be loved by you
A gift heaven in the now and the here

One more testament to God's good hand
One more reason to sing
One more smile, one more day, one more year to watch you
become what God made you to be

I love you, Jonah.
Happy Birthday.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Jonah! Todd, you're a wonderful father. It's true though. Cherish those moments because all too soon, you'll be older and wish for the sounds of children in your home again.

Take care and may 2009 be kind to you and your family,
