Saturday, August 11, 2007

Preliminary Art

Here's the early artwork for the deal I'm playing on September 18th. And, yes, it's called "The College Thing." I'm excited about this gig and the band I'm putting together for it. I hoping that we have a large community draw. Initially, it was intended as a worship and fellowship event for the college ministry at our own church, but, in all honesty, almost every church in Lufkin is struggling with getting college kids plugged in.

By making this event open to all, we're hoping to bless these other churches by allowing them the use of our worship space and the benefit of each other's company!


Clay said...

Hey, Todd! Did you design that? If not, who did? Looks really good.

Todd Wright said...

Some of it was designed by me. Some of it was bought. I'll let YOU be the judge.