Friday, August 10, 2007

A Message From Your Friendly Blog Police

As of Friday afternoon, these are three of my links who've gone the longest since posting:

Romack - July 17th
Forrest - July 20th
Jonah - July 28th

I completely understand that these three individuals have some extenuating circumstances. Romack just got married, which is always a busy time, though I'm not sure it's quite as busy for a groom as Justin would have us all believe.

Forrest is on the road this summer, playing worship and concert gigs with his buds The Sidewalk Prophets. His breaks are few and brief, so he's not able to post as conveniently as the rest of us.

Jonah is five, can't type all that well, and usually isn't allowed on the computer without Mom or Dad. Add in the fact that he's in constant physical motion every single day and blogging becomes a bit of an afterthought.

No, I am not deleting their links, but rather offering this polite reminder that we all love these three young men and enjoy reading their blogs.


Shelly said...

I'll be there for you. I won't let you down.

I hope.

Lance said...

uh... not that I'm bitter. But, I didn't get a warning.

BTW... new post.

Todd Wright said...


