Friday, August 31, 2007

Hooked On The Vine...Again!

I've been listening to a lot of Vineyard worship lately. I've always liked Vineyard's stuff, but haven't really spent much time with it over last year or so.

A few weeks ago, I happened onto a Vineyard record in my iPod and was reminded of why I love the worship of the Vineyard church:

1. Independence
For me, the joy of listening to Vineyard stuff is the true independent feel of the stuff they're producing. Because the music is "from the church, for the church," each record is usually a unique creation of powerful worship that is indigenous to a particular church. The thing you'll find is that it never seems as if Vineyard is attempting to emulate what other worship acts are doing. (Which we are bound to hear with more "mainstream" companies like sixsteps or Integrity.) I might get a record from Canada that sounds like a collection of alt-country tunes from south Georgia or hear songs from a Vineyard church in New Jersey that sounds like a cross between U2 and Tears for Fears. While that much variety always allows for the possibility of music I'm not gonna' enjoy, I think the folks at Vineyard Music have to be commended to staying focused on the goal of sharing these songs born out of the local church.

2. Core Ideas

Vineyard Music and Vineyard Church are two different entities. Kinda'. If you ever spend any time investigating the Vineyard movement, you'll find that they do a great job of keeping their values at the forefront of the groups collective, worldwide, consciousness. Ideas like "Right Now and Not Yet" and "Everybody Gets To Play" are immediately recognized regardless of whatever church you're in. As a worship leader, I love this. I love that so many of Vineyard songs, while different, still are created from a similiar mindset. That's not to say that the songs aren't varied in thematic approach, but as one who truly appreciates many of the tenets of the Vineyard Church, I admire the job they've done in making sure that the music truly does support the work of the church.

3. Fresh
I also love Vineyard music because its so rare to hear in non-Vineyard churches. (With the exception of a few tunes, that is.) I'll be honest - I'd much rather find some really creative Vineyard song written on the theme of repentance than just plug in some Integrity tune off the charts. (And I'm even an Integrity fan!) Vineyard churches just have an approach to worship that we don't hear very often and I love seeing how they approach their songs.
So, worship leaders...if you're able, try to get some Vineyard music. It's a bit risky, but you might just find something that will bless your socks off!