Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Time To Vote

In an effort to save money on the CD project, I've decided to handle the artwork design myself. What do you think..."Todd Wright: Songs for The Lion."

I like it. 'Cause you know, God isn't safe. He's not safe. He's good. Not safe. Good. God's not safe. Doesn't that sound exciting? That God's not safe? That's what I'm going for, you see...

I was taken to task today by Daniel Rowe because I didn't give him the credit for this picture. I apologize. I didn't realize that Daniel himself had taken these photographs himself. I just thought he got them from some other site and didn't credit THEM. That was foolish of me.
Thank you, Daniel. You do excellent work.


Johnny! said...

How about Songs For the Loin?

Jinx said...

or...Songs From the Loin

Robert Conn said...

God smells like the San Diego zoo also.

Jeff said...

call it: Jeff's Mom Really Likes Me