Thursday, June 21, 2007

All of this talk about worship...let's watch a little, eh?

Please, please wait for the guitar solo halfway through the tune. You watching this, Forrest?


Robert Conn said...

In response to your last post... I'd tell young budding would-be's... NOT to be like that!

Romack said...

And it had so much potential...

Todd Wright said...

It really did, didn't it, Romack?

Michael James said...

i was hoping to see more of the daughter. we don't talk like used to...

Johnny! said...

Quality of musicianship and production aside, in what way, philosophically, does that differ from certain large events that put out popular worship recordings?

Todd Wright said...

Well (my opening sentence aside,) this performance is obviously not geared for corporate worship.

And, as unapealing as I find it, I don't know that it's the same as the "event worship" thing. This band is essentially putting on a concert and has the staples of the concert experience...

Colored lighting, extended solos, flashy overplaying...things that I'd have no problem seeing if I went to a normal concert (Christian or otherwise.)

It's weird that I'm saying this clip from Winterband is "okay," but I am. If I thought they were attempting to lead people in a worship experience, I might feel differently.

(Oh, man. Johhny's gonna' rip me a new one.)

Forrest said...

why is Johnny! taking this so seriously...

is that my dad with a beard?

Todd Wright said...

But that lead was tasty, yes?

alex mclean said...



(did i just worship?)... THAT IS FREAKING AMAZING! It's like bad ZZ Top plays with the Amish! wait the Amish couldn't plug in, uh I can't explain it other than to say THANK YOU! (is that like a 9 piece drum kit?).

The recording date makes it.

This goes down in history.

alex mclean said...

Noah and (unintelligible) had great partIES....

Ok, so I had to post this over at my blog. Couldn't figure out how to link directly to this post, but I gave you credit. I've watched it 3 times now.

Todd Wright said...

Give us a URL so we can all go check out your blog.

alex mclean said...

the blog is at better than blank please do check it out!

rk said...

First, this is awesome and terrible.

Second, Johnny makes an excellent point, as usual. We excuse out-right performance when it's really good and/or when it's eloquently "sold" to us as something else. These guys are doing their best, but because they're not that good, and because they don't look very "relevant" or cool, it's easier to see what's wrong with it. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me.

Third, Forrest, why are you always picking on people who are older and more Kingdom-experienced than you? Johnny takes this seriously because he's the kind of guy who sees things that others don't. He's the kind of guy that people like you and I could learn from if we weren't always so concerned with getting a laugh. Just some food for thought.

Johnny! said...

Hey, I thought it was funny...I'm just a jackass about that stuff. I find Passion pretty funny in places, too.

Have you gone to their site? Listened to a few songs on iTunes? Good stuff. And yet not good. What's up with that? What's the deal with airline peanuts?

I especially dig the ©2005 Pre-Rapture Records.

rk said...

OK, maybe that was a little harsh. In addition to being deep, it appears that Johnny is also more merciful than I am. Forrest, my apologies.

blake stewart said...

Dang son. Forest got told...