I don't see all the fuss, i think this double-capo is pretty cool. It's just another tool to use to create some original chords and sounds.
for everyone saying that only a "lazy" guitarist would use this, i beg to differ. some of the most accomplished guitarists i know incorporate multiple capos in their routines, not to avoid playig guitar but to experiment and get different sounds.
That has to be the most ridiculously gay thing I've ever seen.
Oh, and your link is wrong. Should be www.transpocapo.com not transcapo.com
And I wonder if Mr. Foote is getting anything from this....sorry for 3 posts, but I keep thinking of stuff.
Todd are you getting any of my emails or voicemails?
Please Todd call me. Are you mad at me?
After all, we are the same person!
I don't see all the fuss, i think this double-capo is pretty cool. It's just another tool to use to create some original chords and sounds.
for everyone saying that only a "lazy" guitarist would use this, i beg to differ. some of the most accomplished guitarists i know incorporate multiple capos in their routines, not to avoid playig guitar but to experiment and get different sounds.
Think outside the box sometimes people
haha...can't believe someone made this! Say what you will though about it, the reviews seem pretty good
i'm a capo junkie, so i just might get one just to add to my collection
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