Saturday, February 10, 2007

I've spent all day Saturday at Woodlands United Methodist Church (or First United Methodist Woodlands...who knows? Or cares?) I've been at a worship seminar (I think) and I'm now skipping the last session to blog from one of the three open macs in their Student Ministry Center called the "Rebel Base."

I saw one of their worship leaders walking by a little while ago....thought I might ask him for a job but then realized I wasn't cool enough.

Oh yeah..while I was at this giant waste of time, I missed Finley's first step.


Jinx said...

....such a horrible father...

and thanks for not inviting me to go Todd...

Robert Conn said...

The Rebel Base???

God please spare me from ever being so cool that I name a ministry or location anything like The Rebel Base.

Seems like someone took the "Worst Idea Game" a little too seriously.

Of course I bet Jason and Lance love it!

Lance said...

I cannot believe you think that I would like Rebel Base!? It doesn't even have X-treme in the name.


Robert Conn said...

Unrelated comment:

Hey Todd, how is the band for the 12th?