Tuesday, January 16, 2007

For's a no-brainer. If I am in an establishment that offers curly fries, I must have them.

My policy is that curly fries ALWAYS trump regular french fries.

Who's with me? What's your position on "curly" vs. "straight-cut?"


blake stewart said...

Curly all the way my friend.

Jinx said...

Although I am straight...unlike some people's roommates....I'm all over the curly fries. Plus, that way we're not supporting the French. There's no way a French person could come up with the idea for deliciously seasoned curly fries.

Michael James said...

you really shouldn't have to ask this question. hands down, no questions asked, it's curly fries all the way. i can't imagine a world that would have it any other way.

Robert Conn said...

If we're talking regular fries like McDonalds or Burger King then I go curly all the time.

However, if crinkle cut fries count as regular fries then I'm torn and my head begins to hurt.

Angela said...

I like waffle fries the best! My second choice would be regular floppy french fries.

daniel said...

i'm with angela. though it's not a choice, waffle fries all the way.

between the two options though, definitely curly fries (unless there are the thicker fries from Jack-In-The-Box as a choice).

Susie Moore said...

Im going to have to go with Angela and Daniel that waffle fries are the best. However if it was a choice between straight fries or curly fries I am going to have to go curly every time. Unless it is those fries from CornDog 7. Cause those are some good straight fries...

Michael James said...

leave it to angela to introduce another letter to the equation. just had to complicate it didn't you?! i'm still sticking with curly because that was the question.

blake stewart said...

Waffle fries taste like a giant piece of fried cow crap. How is this even an argument?