Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Plan that Wasn't

This is the weekend of Robert's Senior Sunday service where I'm leading worship. The original plan was to leave tomorrow (Saturday) at around 8am. In accordance with this, plans were also made to attend Star Wars Episode III, Revenge of the Sith.
Somewhere in the middle of the day, Krist threw the idea of leaving right after work and zipping up to Sanger. That would give us a full day to have fun w/ the Conn's and make use of the lighter traffic setup of evening travel. All was good. Then Clay called.
Every screw-up in my life starts with that phrase - "then Clay called."
Somebody had requested that we video the Senior Sunday service back home. Easy solution - take a camera, turn it on. Easy right? Not at FMC.
No, no. Then the worship of Lufkin's Elite class wouldn't be complete. No, we need to activate cameras and utilize the auxilliary sound board and turn on the switcher. One problem.
I'm the only one who knows how to do that.
So Clay demands that I come right after work and hook it for him. I call Kristen. She starts crying and screaming that the church is stealing my soul and that Clay Walker has been a leech on my talent and spirit since way back at the Union. (Cult)

Ran by the church to hook up junk. Took longer than I thought, but I least I got the wireless mics hooked in to the aux board. Krist and Jonah showed up and we took off. Right around Central I called my mom and told her we were heading out. She asked me to stop by so she could give me money. How could I refuse?

The drive was good. Jonah was great. We ate McDonald's in Jacksonville. (Why the heck isn't there a Burger King in Jacksonville?) Stopped somewhere short of Dallas for snack.....
Jonah - donut
Kristen - Kudos
Todd - granola bars and diet vanilla coke (my new favorite)

Got to Sanger just before 10. Jonah played in the living room for a bit to wind down, then he took his bath. After PJ's and bath and a lot of whining to "go home" by Jonah, the Wrights turned in about midnight.


Clay said...

Demand? Pretty strong language don't you think? More like begged and pleaded. Tell Kristen it won't happen again. Sorry.