Saturday, April 30, 2005

Mercury Falling (life is what happens between blogs)

What night. Shortly after I posted the evening blog, Krist came in, shaky from the vomit-situation. Aren't we all a bit shook up by the vomit-situation?

So, she wants to take her temperature. No problem. I hand her the thermometer and head back to her bathroom to fulfill my husbandly-responsibility of cleaning "the area." Got a bit shook up myself and walked back in. Took the thermometer from Krist as she bolts for the bathroom once more. That's when I dropped the thermometer to the floor where it shattered.


So, in the back of the house, my wife is puking her guts out while I'm trying to fashion a homemade haz-mat suit to pick up lethal chemicals running around the kitchen floor. I'm not sure, but it might have been the most stressfull night of my life. In addition to the mercury and the first of 12 episodes of regurgitation, there was also a midnight Wal-Mart run. Finally collapsed into bed at around 1:00. Somewhere near 2:30, Krist calls for me. I stand up to help her. In the process, I slam my pinky toe into one of the legs of the bed post.


Friend, maybe it was the stress of the night, but I cried. I haven't hurt that bad in a long time. If ever.

Jonah woke up at 5:30 and therefore, so did I. I limped in and tried to get him back to sleep. We were out the door by 7:30 headed for the family reunion. It was good - cold outside, but good. The best part was my parents giving me the key to their cabin there on the lake and letting me sleep for a couple hours while they watched Jonah. Awesome.

We left around 2:45 (after some homemade ice cream - vanilla w/ butterfinger!) Jonah fell asleep and napped for about thirty minutes. Got home around 4, played water guns, then popped in The Incredibles while Dad went and utilized some Chick-Fil-A coupons for Jonah's supper. Luckily, there were chicken strips left over, so I got a sandwhich out of the deal. Jonah and Krist laid on the couch while I ate and soaked my bloody mass of pinky toe.


We watched some of Disc 2 of Incredibles (funny stuff,) then put Jonah in the bath. For some reason, he wanted me to run the water non-stop. Guess he wanted to do a waterfall type thing. I said no. A fit ensued. In fact, the fit lasted through the washing of the child and into the donning of pajamas. By the brushing of the teeth, he had calmed down enough.

He's in bed, exhausted. Krist is reading some instructions on the back of some medicine that Mark called in for her while her bath running. I'm blogging until the kid is out so I can walk some. Tomorrow is the official back-to-work day for me. Even though, it's Sunday, I'm actually going to have to think about working and remembering stuff and doing what I get paid to do. In this particular case, it's worship, but it applies either way.

So thanks for reading my vacation blogs...I've enjoyed such consistent, specific blogging. And if you blog and often have those days where you want to but have nothing to say....just recount every last, boring detail of your day!

u2...november 1...dallas, tx


Robert Conn said...

Why is it that once you deem a certain week as "Vacation" everything that could go wrong... does?